Gloucestershire Federation
of Gardening Societies

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Bristol Cactus Society

This Society was formed in 1952 and is run for the benefit of all those who share an interest in Cacti and Succulents.

They hold their meetings in Room 2, Saint Andrews Church, Elm Park, Filton, Bristol, BS34 7PS at 2.30pm on the first Saturday of the month, with the exception of January.Click here for a map (opens in new window)

Visitors are welcome (but a meeting charge of £3.00 will be charged to help towards the hire of the room and tea/coffee and biscuits). They publish a monthly newsletter of local cactus related news and events. The society is affiliated to the British Cactus and Succulent Society and the Royal Horticultural Society.

We are a very friendly society and are always willing to help others, after all we all started somewhere with very little knowledge. This is a society for experienced and novice growers. Why not have a look at, and possibly join, our Facebook Group page at Bristol Cactus Society, where you can also see our planned programme.

Follow us on Facebook Bristol Cactus Society

View/Download our 2025 programme

For further details of club meetings please contact:

Dave Hartnell
Telephone: 0117 908 1717
Mobile 07758 285 046

Or contact:

Dave Phillips,
16 Lime Road,
Bristol BS15 3AR

Telephone: 0117 960 2813

Mobile: 07860 833 786

© 2012: Gloucestershire Federation of Gardening Societies